Tuesday, November 6, 2012

JWs Give Up on Me

The Jehovah's Witness I've been having Bible study with every week for the last 27 months just came by and broke up with me. They knew at the beginning everything about me as far as what I believe, and I told them up front I wasn't interested in becoming a JW. Last time they were here one of them asked me why I kept letting them come over to my house if I didn't believe what they were teaching. "I was hoping eventually y'all would get saved," I told him.
Seventeen members of the local Kingdom Hall came to study at my house over the last two years. Several times they left saying they'd have to research a subject and get back to me. They rarely got back to me on it. I told him this afternoon it had been my intent to keep the Bible verses in the context of what they were saying, and to keep them in line with what the Bible as a whole has to say. I don't believe it contradicts itself but you can take a verse out of context and build an entire religion on it.
We parted as friends and I believe the guy who came by every week, Keith (who always brought someone else with him) respects my viewpoint and knowledge of the Bible, but he also feels his time will be better spent elsewhere. I did take a few hours out of one of his afternoons every week, until they gave up on me today...