Sat here yesterday thinking how this (former?) NBA bench player announced to the world that
he’s living a sinful lifestyle, and the world celebrated. Tim Tebow, on the
other hand, is vilified because he’s a Christian, gets cut by the Jets, and right now an NFL team
won’t touch him, and I’m convinced it’s because of that. I know it’s not a lack of
talent, ability or the will to win. He led the Broncos to the playoffs just a coupla years
And yes, the liberal media and the architects of the homosexual agenda are masters of making us feel like we’re doing something wrong
if we deny them their “rights.” They’ve attached their cause to civil rights,
and the civil rights movement has embraced them. But we’re not talking about the
color of someone’s skin, we’re talking about a perverse lifestyle they’ve chosen
to live.
Would everyone feel the same if an alcoholic demanded “rights” because
he feels the need to drink? Supposedly alcoholics are born with an inclination to drink. But you don’t see winos marching with signs that proclaim, “I’m
a drunk and I’m proud.” Yes, it is sin, and the world celebrates...
We're expected (by the world) to tolerate it. But that's contrary to what we as Christians believe, IF we abide by what the Bible says. We don't have to tolerate sin. I know what I'm saying won't be appreciated by some people I care a great deal about. May even lose some Facebook friends. Know that I love you, but I felt it needed to be said, and nobody else seems to be saying it. Love the sinner, hate the sin, don't celebrate it...