Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Busy Day in April

Busy day. Had my annual physical with Steve Havens at 2 this afternoon. Got the cleanest bill of health I've gotten in years. On the kidney disease mix-up, he said that if I die from kidney disease it'll be at least 35 years from now. I said at the age of 93, I ought to die from something anyway. He said, let me change that to 50 years. You're not gonna die from problems with your kidneys. And then he took any reference to my kidneys off my chart. My BP was 120/80. My blood work was clean on any possible colon problems. He said come back in six months if you want to, in a year if you don't want to...
After the annual physical, I went by the AT&T store. They've been running a TV ad for about a month with a family plan that includes 10 gigs of internet and unlimited text and talking, which is the same plan we signed for back in August for $85 a month more than they're advertising it for. I thought I'd be there all day trying to renegotiate the contract, but the sales rep changed it for me, shook my hand and sent me on my way, in about two minutes, with a plan that's $100 a month less than it was...
They might get my business again in 18 months (he didn't even extend the contract). Heck, I may even toss out the cable, and bundle TV, internet and the land line phone with them. I'll at least consider it...
Done at the AT&T store, I drove down the road to the Sears store to see if I could get new glasses and discovered their optometry department is going out of business. They were packing it up. So I drove back down Veterans to Bizer's, had my eyes checked there, picked out some new frames and ordered the new glasses. The pet store was in the same parking lot, so I bought some cat food. And since I was in the same neighborhood as the Krispy Kreme store, I got a half-dozen chocolate-glazed donuts.
After that I came home, picked up Kelly and met Alice at Culver's for dinner. I ordered the pot roast with mashed potatoes and cheese curds. Having tried everything on the menu now that I wanted to try, I can say the Cheddar Butterburger still rules, but the pot roast dinner was a pretty good second choice. I've been to or had food picked up from the new Culver's every week it's been open, and I've yet to have any ice cream from this location. Seems we always have some at home...
Maybe next week...