Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Help Me Understand Humiliation

I'm trying to understand why people think humiliating others is funny. What does the person making fun of someone else gain from doing so? How does that make you a better person? I've had people make fun of me all my life because of my name, my dad's name. Why is that funny? I've had people make fun of me because of my favorite sports team, as if I have something to do with whether or not they win or lose. I've had people make fun of me because of my weight, because of my accent, because, well, just because...

I'm not talking about strangers. I'm talking about people I love, family members, people I consider to be friends, people at church. So when these things happen it hurts, a lot. And I don't even understand where it's coming from. And half the time I wonder if they realize what they're doing? Do they even think about what they say? Would they like it if someone did that to them? Isn't that what the Golden Rule requires of us? "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Isn't being kind, and loving each other, significant of being a Christian?

Am I alone in this? Does this happen to you too? Or are you the one making it happen? If so, please stop. We don't think you're funny. We don't like it, or you, when you do things like this. And we don't want to be around you anymore...

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