Tuesday, July 15, 2014

No Key Detected

Kelly decided she'd drive herself to church this afternoon to meet with the youth group as they were heading off to camp for the next few days. I didn't think her car needed to sit in the church parking lot all week, so I took Alice by the church to pick it up. Her car was in the driveway as we were leaving and mine was low on gas, so I thought we'd take hers. I got the keys to that car, and put mine back because I didn't figure I'd need them. Out in the garage she called an audible and said we should take my car, that I could get around hers backing out (and of course I could).
I had ordered a pizza from the Domino's around the corner from the church before I left the house, and once I dropped her off I drove over to Domino's, parked the car, reached in my pocket to lock it as I got out and realized I had no key. It's a new car (18 months old now), it's keyless to crank (as long as the key signal is somewhere in the car), and I hadn't brought mine. It cranked at the house because Alice had a key to the car in her purse. It remained cranked after I dropped her off at the church until I got to Domino's and shut it off. Yeah, I noticed the "Detecting No Key" message, but figured as long as it was running maybe it was just having trouble detecting the key signal. It took reaching in my pocket and finding no key to remember I had put it back on my dresser...
There was no longer a key or key signal in the car. It was in Kelly's car. Which was on the way back to the house. With Alice. Who evidently either didn't bring her cell phone with her or wasn't answering it. I went on into Domino's, paid for the pizza, went out to the car, kept calling the house till Alice got back home, ate a couple of slices while I waited, with the door to the car open because it was such a pleasant, mild summer night. But we now know there's at least one problem with a new car and a keyless ignition. And we also know what the car is trying to tell us when it says "Detecting No Key."

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